Family & Consumer Sciences

Family & Consumer Sciences

Family & Consumer Sciences

FCS Extension programs aim to improve the quality of individual and family life through education, research, and outreach.

What is Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS)?

FCS stands for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension. FCS programming focus on building assets of individuals and families to address problems faced across the lifespan. Family and Consumer Sciences Extension emphasizes well-being with a focus on human development, parenting, resource management, nutrition, health and leadership development.

At the community level, FCS Extension prepares individuals for community and economic development and activity. Professionals in Family and Consumer Sciences Extension provide the tools to help individuals and families to develop resources for strengthening families and building community for an ever changing society.


Hyden Homemakers Club Meeting

- Leslie County Extension Office

Leslie County Extension Hyden Homemakers
Plan to meet at Leslie County Extension at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 12, 2024

Cooking Through the Calendar

- Leslie County Extension Office

Cooking Through the Calendar

Super Star Chef 3-Day Cooking Camp

- Leslie County Extension Office

Call and register today 672-2154.

Super Star Chef 3-Day Cooking Camp

- Leslie County Extension Office

Call and register today 672-2154.

Super Star Chef 3-Day Cooking Camp

- Leslie County Extension Office

Call and register today 672-2154.

Beech Fork Homemakers

- Lower Beech Fork United Methodist Church

Additional Information


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Vicki R. Boggs

Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science

(606) 672-2154 Leslie County Extension Office 22045 Main Street 514, Hyden, Kentucky 41749-8568

Garry Ostrander

Extension Assistant, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Science, 4-H Youth Development

(606) 672-2154 Leslie County Extension Office 22045 Main Street 514, Hyden, Kentucky 41749-8568